Friday, 2 May 2014

Mint Madness: Body Scrub

I've done some research and recipes for mint are scarce.  Often involving cucumber, feta and/or peas.

Until I stumbled upon a wealth of beauty recipes.  In particular, this mint body scrub caught my eye.  I loath buying extra ingredients, especially for something out of ordinary and unlikely to be repeated.  This was made using back of the cupboard ingredients.

Mint and Lavender Body Scrub

6 - 12 mint leaves
Dried lavender (optional)
Course sea salt
1 tsp. oil e.g. olive, jojoba etc.
1 tsp. lemon juice
A few drops of lavender essential oil (or any other you have handy)

In a blender or pestle and mortar grind up the salt, mint and dried lavender if using.

Add the remaining ingredients, giving everything a good stir.

Rub into body using deep circular movements.  Rinse off and pat dry.

I like a good scrub from time to time and found this one has a good balance of scrub and moisture.  Too often body scrubs can be abrasive and leave you feeling so moisturised you feel claggy with grease.  This scrub left my skin feeling nicely moisturised without ruining the towel or oiling the bath tub.  And, you can alter the texture yourself.  I found just a few minutes with the pestle and mortar gave me a small enough grain so the mixture could be worked into the skin whilst being scrubby enough to feel cleansing.


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